FCC Improves Access to 911 and Timely Assistance from First Responders

The Federal Communications Commission adopted rules to help ensure that people who call 911 from multi-line telephone systems—which commonly serve hotels, office buildings, and campuses—can reach 911 and be quickly located by first responders. The new rules will also improve emergency response for people who call 911 from other calling platforms. The action implements two laws enacted in 2018 that are designed to strengthen emergency calling. First, the FCC took action to implement Kari’s Law, which requires multi-line telephone systems to enable users to dial 911 directly, without having to dial a prefix (such as a “9”) to reach an outside line. Kari’s Law also requires multi-line telephone systems to provide notification, such as to a front desk or security office, when a 911 call is made in order to facilitate building entry by first responders. Second, Section 506 of RAY BAUM’S Act requires the FCC to consider adopting rules to ensure that “dispatchable location” information, such as the street address, floor level, and room number of a 911 caller, is conveyed with 911 calls, regardless of the technological platform used, so that first responders can be quickly dispatched to the caller’s location. In addition, the FCC consolidated its 911 rules from multiple rule parts into a single rule part, making it easier for stakeholders, such as service providers and emergency management officials, to more easily ascertain 911 requirements. 

FCC Improves Access to 911 and Timely Assistance from First Responders