FCC Chairman Wheeler Calls for Emergency Meeting on DISH-Sinclair Dispute

Currently, there is a blackout affecting 129 television stations in 79 markets as a result of an ongoing dispute between Sinclair Broadcasting, the nation's largest broadcast group, and DISH, a direct broadcast satellite provider. On Aug 25, DISH requested an emergency order for injunctive relief, alleging violations of the Federal Communications Commission’s rules requiring good faith negotiations.

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said, "Today, I have directed the Media Bureau to convene an emergency meeting with DISH and Sinclair to get to the bottom of the dispute and bring back local programming to consumers. The parties will have until midnight to file their views. The public interest is the Commission's responsibility. We will not stand idly by while millions of consumers in 79 markets across the country are being denied access to local programming. The Commission will always act within the scope of its authority if it emerges that improper conduct is preventing a commercial resolution of the dispute. [In 2014], Congress instructed the Commission to look closely at whether retransmission consent negotiations are being conducted in good faith. That’s why I have proposed to my fellow Commissioners a new rulemaking to determine how best to protect the publicinterest. The facts surrounding this dispute inform our findings in that proceeding, but we will not wait to act on behalf of consumers."

FCC Chairman Wheeler Calls for Emergency Meeting on DISH-Sinclair Dispute