Eritrea and North Korea Are World’s Most Censored Countries, Advocacy Group Says

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The Committee to Protect Journalists, a press advocacy group in New York, released its list of the world’s 10 most censored countries; the severity of control over freedom of expression and thought in Eritrea and North Korea puts them at the top.

Seven countries on the most-censored list -- Azerbaijan, China, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Myanmar and Vietnam -- also rank among the world’s leading jailers of journalists, according to a separate annual prison census compiled by the advocacy group. Imprisoned journalists are most often charged with crimes against the state, the group said. China, which ranks No. 8 on the most-censored list, is the world’s leading jailer of journalists, with 44 imprisoned, roughly two-thirds of whom are held on anti-state charges, according to the advocacy group.

Eritrea and North Korea Are World’s Most Censored Countries, Advocacy Group Says