Divided Media on Michael Flynn: Patriotic Leaks or Political Espionage

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In the hours since Michael Flynn resigned as national security adviser, two narratives have emerged. One, embraced by many in the traditional legacy media, centered on what Flynn had done that led to his resignation: discussed sanctions against Russia in a conversation with the Russian ambassador, and then misled Vice President Mike Pence about it. The other, which developed among the more right-leaning news media, focused on the leaks from Washington that had put pressure on Flynn to step aside, and whether these leaks were intended to damage President Donald Trump.

One narrative holds Flynn, and others who knew about his discussions, accountable. The other portrays Flynn more as a victim. Which narrative does President Trump ascribe to? He attributed Flynn’s resignation to “illegal leaks.” It is not unusual for news media to promote different story angles. And the division between left-leaning and right-leaning news organizations is certainly not new. But the rift between the mainstream media and more partisan news organizations has grown starker in the nearly four weeks since President Trump took office, reflecting a widening political and ideological rift.

Divided Media on Michael Flynn: Patriotic Leaks or Political Espionage