Dear RNC and DNC: Libraries are essential to achieving national priorities

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July 18, the Republican National Convention (RNC) kicks off in Cleveland (OH), and the Democratic National Convention (DNC) begins next Monday in Philadelphia (PA). In the latest installment of the Policy Revolution! initiative, the American Library Association submitted comments to the Republican and Democratic Party Platform Committees. ALA’s submission is based on a large body of prior work. At the most fundamental level, such comments are informed by internal ALA policies, approved by ALA’s Council. In terms of our work more specifically targeted to the national public policy arena, we completed the National Policy Agenda for Libraries in June 2015 to provide the strategic policy direction for libraries, under the auspices of a Library Advisory Committee that included a number of library community organizations in addition to ALA.

At this point in the process, the primary goal is to showcase how libraries contribute to the broad range of national goals of importance to the major political parties. Given the economic unease around the country, ALA comments highlighted the roles of libraries in advancing economic opportunity. The comments also address several issues that are prominent in the campaigns, such as national infrastructure, veterans, education and learning and others.

Dear RNC and DNC: Libraries are essential to achieving national priorities