AT&T says 50% of voice customers in Alabama, Florida trial cities transitioned to IP services

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AT&T is progressing with its TDM-to-IP voice service transition in two cities in FL and AL, telling the Federal Communications Commission that on a combined basis 50 percent of total customer accounts have voluntarily migrated to one of the company's next-generation wireline and wireless voice services.

In its latest filing with the FCC, AT&T revealed that voluntary consumer transitions to IP in Carbon Hill (AL) and Delray Beach (FL) increased by 72 percent and 59 percent, respectively. As expected, consumer TDM-based services declined by 36 percent and 38 percent. AT&T reported similar trends with business customers in these two cities. Simple IP business accounts were up 35 percent in Carbon Hill and 48 percent in Delray Beach, while simple TDM business accounts declined 28 percent and 25 percent. Customers who have transitioned to the next-gen IP-based services during the trial reported they have received similar service performance, service quality and customer care to that of TDM-based services.

AT&T says 50% of voice customers in Alabama, Florida trial cities transitioned to IP services