What's Next After Broadband Stimulus?

The Next Catalysts for Community and Municipal Broadband

New America Foundation
Thursday, June 10, 2010
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Access to High-speed, affordable and ubiquitous broadband is a necessity in the 21st century. Although Congress allocated $7.2 Billion for broadband projects in the 2009 Stimulus Act, the final application round for funding has closed. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) estimates that an additional $350 billion is needed to expand high-speed connectivity nationwide; meaning cities and communities will need to explore other options for bringing broadband to their residents, businesses and institutions.

On June 10th, 2010, Craig Settles will present key lessons from his book, Fighting the Next Good Fight: Bringing True Broadband to Your Community. A broadband business strategist, marketing expert, author and internationally renowned speaker, Craig Settles helps organizations use broadband technologies to improve local government's operating efficiency, as well as promote local economic development.

Fighting the Next Good Fight offers guidelines to action for government administrators and IT staff, private-sector companies, community stakeholders and economic development professionals. These serve as the foundation to build a financially sustainable broadband networks in communities across the country. Government initiatives, private sector entrepreneurship and community efforts can all play a role as the next catalysts for municipal and community broadband and help bridge the digital divide.

Bryan Sivak, Chief Technology Officer of the District of Columbia, Joanne Hovis, President-Elect of NATOA and President of Columbia Telecommunications Corporation and Gary Carter, Analyst at City of Santa Monica Information Systems Department will respond to Mr. Settles' presentation.

3:30 Opening Remarks

Benjamin Lennett
Policy Analyst , Open Technology Initiative
New America Foundation

3:35 Keynote Speaker

Mignon Clyburn (Invited)
Federal Communication Commission

3:50 Featured Speaker

Craig Settles
President, Successful.com
Co-Director , Communities United for Broadband

4:15 Panelists

Bryan Sivak
Chief Technology Officer
District of Columbia

Joanne Hovis
President-Elect, NATOA
President, Columbia Telecommunications Corporation

Gary Carter
Analyst, Information Systems Dept
City of Santa Monica

4:45 Audience Questions

5:00 Event End

To RSVP for the event:

For questions, contact Stephanie Gunter at (202) 596-3367 or gunter@newamerica.net

For media inquiries, contact Kate Brown at (202) 596-3365 or brown@newamerica.net