What Can Congress Learn About Its Own Tech Policy?

Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee
July 19, 2012
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

A briefing on how the European Parliament, specifically its major committee on Internal Markets and Consumer Protection, addresses Internet policy issues such as consumer privacy protection, e-commerce, net neutrality and intellectual property. These very same issues continue to challenge Congressional policymaking. Some of these European initiatives may end up driving U.S. tech policy and all of them help provide context for Congressional lawmaking.

The briefing will feature an official delegation of the European Parliament's IMCO Committee comprising nine of its Members (MEPs) and led by its Chairman, Mr. Malcolm Harbour. Mr. Harbour and Mr. Pablo Arias Echevarría, MEP, Coordinator of the EP Working Group on E-Commerce, will discuss how the European Parliament has handled these weighty issues during the briefing and will also answer questions from the audience.