Securing Minnesota's Future with Digital Equity Capacity Funds
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Digital Beat
Securing Minnesota's Future with Digital Equity Capacity Funds

The Minnesota Office of Broadband Development (OBD) received over $12 million from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to implement its Digital Opportunity Plan using Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program funds. Through these funds, OBD aims to connect Minnesotans to digital equity information, resources, and––most importantly––each other. Broadly, these funds will be used to:
- Pilot a Digital Opportunity Leaders Network to combine "local energy, regional expertise, and statewide continuity";
- Create a directory of Digital Opportunity resources; and
- Explore potential models for a program similar to the Affordable Connectivity Program, a statewide technology helpline, and a state-managed system to loan large-screen devices.
Digital Connection Committees (DCCs) are the heart of Minnesota’s digital opportunity planning process. Devised by OBD specifically for digital opportunity planning, DCCs are self-selected workgroups formed on a voluntary basis by a variety of entities, including political subdivisions, tribes, non-profits, anchor institutions, faith-based organizations, Minnesota-based businesses, and more–or any combination of these. DCCs gathered digital inclusion data and submitted the data to OBD. OBD provided targeted financial support for DCCs primarily through Assessing Digital Inclusion Mini-Grants. With inclusion in mind, OBD chose to make these grants non-competitive, awarding funds based on each individual application’s completeness, timeliness, and adherence to the scope of the intended grant work.
Here is how OBD plans to achieve its connectivity goals and set Minnesota up for a future of digital opportunity.
Phases of Implementation
OBD's implementation strategy is, broadly, made up of four phases of planning and execution. The four phases are:
- Phase 1: Aligning (State Fiscal Year 2025): Focused on convening and connecting with partners, additional information gathering, preparing Requests for Proposal (RFPs) for contracts, preparing RFPs, and rolling out select capacity grant programs.
- Phase 2: Accelerating (SFY 2026): Focused on publicizing information, conducting research, and rolling out additional capacity grant programs.
- Phase 3: Amplifying (SFY 2027): Focused on scaling up activities, expanding and refining programs, and updating public information.
- Phase 4: Evolving (SFY 2028): Focused on assessing all progress and future needs; concluding and/or transitioning grant projects; preparing for the future.
Full Timeline and Scope of Activity
The Minnesota State Digital Opportunity Plan is organized by overarching goals, activities, and a timeline for implementation. OBD's Implementation years are aligned with the State Fiscal Years (SFYs), which start July 1 of the preceding year and end June 30 of the year named. [For example, SFY2025 runs from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.]
Goal 1: Connect People to People
This goal is grounded in the value of people coming together to help, advocate for, and learn alongside one another. Even as technology enables connections to far-away people and places what happens in Minnesota matters significantly as human connections build out social infrastructure.
Pilot a Digital Opportunity Leaders Network:
Phase 1: Complete Request for Proposal (Q1); Execute contracts (Q2); Orient regional leads (Q3); Flex time if needed (Q4).
- Phase 2: OBD and regions provide technical support, training and information to the Digital Connection Corps (DCCs).
- Phase 3: OBD and regions provide technical support, training and information to DCCs.
- Phase 4: OBD and regions provide technical support, training and information to DCCs.
Establish inter-agency digital opportunity workgroup:
- Phase 1: Form group (Q1); Orient group work (Q2); Meet quarterly (Q3-Q4).
- Phases 2-4: Regular meetings (Q1-Q2); Re-evaluate digital opportunity plan (Q3); Revise plan based on analysis (Q4).
Expand the DCC model:
- Phases 1-4: Re-evaluate plan with DCCs (Q2); New DCC recruitment (Q3).
Retain existing DCCs through ongoing communication:
- Phases 1-4: Virtual meetings bimonthly (Q1-Q4); Monthly e-news (Q1-Q4).
Administer grants designed to support digital opportunity services:
- Phase 1: Complete RFPs (Q2); Prepare application (Q3); Design technical assistance plan (Q4).
- Phase 2: Launch round 1 (Q1); Monitor round 1 (Q2-Q3); Conclude and evaluate round 1 (Q4).
- Phase 3: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 2.
- Phase 4: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 3.
Explore models for a statewide technology assistance helpline:
- Phase 2: Complete RFP (Q2); Execute contract (Q3); Begin research process (Q4).
- Phase 3: Receive and revise report (Q1); Publish report (Q2); Update plan with findings (Q3).
Administer grants to support training students as paid tech repair technicians:
- Phase 2: Complete RFPs (Q1); Prepare application (Q2); Design technical assistance plan (Q3).
- Phase 3: Launch round 1 (Q1); Monitor round 1 (Q2-Q3); Conclude and evaluate round 1 (Q4).
- Phase 4: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 2.
Administer grants for small business and agriculture tech assessment:
- Phase 1: Complete RFPs (Q1); Prepare application (Q2); Design technical assistance plan (Q3).
- Phase 2: Launch round 1 (Q1); Monitor round 1 (Q2-Q3); Conclude and evaluate round 1 (Q4).
- Phase 3: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 2.
- Phase 4: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 3.
Goal 2: Connect People with Information
Transparency is a key value at the core of this goal, emphasizing the importance of open access to information as well as the expert assistance it sometimes takes to make meaning out of it. Making data and information readily available allows for collaboration and informed decision-making, empowering communities to bridge the digital divide and fully utilize the resources offered by technology. By championing accessibility, this goal simultaneously ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity to benefit from the digital availability of information.
Add 1 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) for digital opportunity data analyst position:
- Phase 1: Hire1 FTE.
- Phases 2-4: Maintain FTE.
Make Minnesota digital opportunity data publicly available:
- Phase 1: Identify project scope (Q2); Prepare draft (Q3); Revise draft (Q4).
- Phase 2: Publish data (Q1-Q4).
- Phases 3-4: Update data (Q1-Q4).
Enhance data of baseline digital skills across covered populations:
- Phase 1: Complete RFP (Q2); Execute contract (Q3); Collect data (Q4).
- Phase 2: Incorporate new data in plan and public datasets (Q1).
- Phases 3-4: Update data (Q1-Q4).
Create a public directory of digital opportunity resources:
- Phase 1: Expand asset inventories from DCCs (Q2).
- Phase 2: Publish directory (Q2).
- Phases 3-4: Update directory (Q2 of each phase).
Administer grants to support local digital opportunity planning:
- Phase 1: Complete RFPs (Q1); Prepare application (Q2); Design technical assistance plan (Q3).
- Phase 2: Launch round 1 (Q1); Monitor round 1 (Q2-Q3); Conclude and evaluate round 1 (Q4).
- Phase 3: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 2.
- Phase 4: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 3.
Support digital opportunity planning cohorts:
- Phase 1: Execute contract (Q4).
- Phase 2: Launch round 1 (Q1); Monitor round 1 (Q2-Q3); Conclude and evaluate round 1 (Q4).
- Phase 3: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 2.
- Phase 4: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 3.
Conduct city, county and Tribal web accessibility evaluation:
- Phase 1: Complete RFP (Q3); Execute contract (Q4).
- Phase 2: Receive and publish report (Q1); Update plan with findings (Q2).
Administer grants to improve local website accessibility:
- Phase 2: Complete RFPs (Q2); Prepare application (Q3); Design technical assistance plan (Q4).
- Phase 3: Launch round 1 (Q1); Monitor round 1 (Q2-Q3); Conclude and evaluate round 1 (Q4).
- Phase 4: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 2.
Administer grants to Public, Education and Government (PEG) channels:
- Phase 1: Complete RFPs (Q1); Prepare application (Q2); Design technical assistance plan (Q3).
- Phase 2: Launch round 1 (Q1); Monitor round 1 (Q2-Q3); Conclude and evaluate round 1 (Q4).
- Phase 3: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 2.
- Phase 4: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 3.
Goal 3: Connect People to Resources
While the previous two goals are grounded in relationships and skills, this third goal pivots to look more closely at the concrete, objective resources that Minnesotans need in order to access technology. This includes three key components, which are spelled out as follows in the State Digital Equity Planning Grant NOFO: “broadband internet service; internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user; and applications and online content designed to enable and encourage self-sufficiency, participation, and collaboration.”
Add 1 FTE for the Affordable Connectivity Program coordinator position:
- ***The Federal Communications Commission's Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) ended in 2024***
- Phase 1: Hire 1 FTE.
- Phases 2-4: Maintain FTE.
Improve digital opportunity for residents of multi-dwelling units:
- Phase 1: Group formed, oriented to work (Q3); Meet quarterly (Q4).
- Phases 2-4: Meet quarterly (Q1-Q4).
Research models for a statewide program like ACP:
- Phase 1: Complete RFP (Q1); Execute contract (Q2); Receive and publish report (Q3); Update plan with findings (Q4).
Research models for a program supporting device access:
- Phase 1: Complete RFP (Q3); Execute contract (Q4).
- Phase 2: Receive and publish report (Q1); Update plan with findings (Q2).
Collaborate with Department of Corrections (DOC) and Minnesota Correctional Education Center (MCEC) to help people who are incarcerated and re-entering:
- Phase 1: Group formed, oriented to work (Q1); Meet bi-monthly through 2027 (Q2).
- Phases 2-4: Meet bi-monthly (Q1-Q4).
Collaborate with Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Office of New Americans to help immigrants and refugees:
- Phase 1: Group formed, oriented to work (Q1); Meet bi-monthly through 2027 (Q2).
- Phases 2-4: Meet bi-monthly (Q1-Q4).
Collaborate with CareerForce to expand access to digital skills training:
- Phase 1: Group formed, oriented to work (Q1); Meet bi-monthly through 2027 (Q2).
- Phases 2-4: Meet bi-monthly (Q1-Q4).
Administer grants to organizations serving covered populations:
- Phase 1: Complete RFPs (Q1); Prepare application (Q2); Design technical assistance plan (Q3).
- Phase 2: Launch round 1 (Q1); Monitor round 1 (Q2-Q3); Conclude and evaluate round 1 (Q4).
- Phase 3: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 2.
- Phase 4: Launch, monitor, conclude, and evaluate round 3.
The Minnesota Model
OBD's Digital Opportunity Plan envisions a future where comprehensive digital access connects all Minnesota residents to opportunities, options, and each other. The "Minnesota Model" consists of the state's legislatively created broadband goals recommended by its governor-appointed Task Force on Broadband, its Office of Broadband Development, its mapping tools, and its Border-to-Border Broadband Development Grant Program. The four-part statutory framework is:
- The Office of Broadband Development within the Department of Employment and Economic Development is charged with numerous broadband oversight responsibilities, including digital inclusion;
- Forward-looking internet speed goals;
- Broadband deployment data and mapping capabilities to accurately plan, monitor, and track broadband infrastructure; and
- The Border-to-Border Broadband Development Grant Program which provides matching funds for broadband infrastructure deployment in unserved and underserved areas.
The Minnesota model and the state’s Digital Connection Committees are the linchpins of Minnesota's grassroots digital equity efforts and the "heart" of the state's digital opportunity planning process.
Additional Coverage on Minnesota Broadband Priorities
What a Digitally Equitable Minnesota Could Look Like—And How to Get There
Minnesota Again Taps Capital Projects Fund to Bridge Broadband Deployment Gap
See the latest Minnesota broadband news
More in this Series
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- Michigan Is on the Road to Closing the Digital Divide by 2030
- California Takes Steps Towards Digital Equity
- Digital Equity Funding Boosts Innovative Connectivity in Indiana
- Connecting Georgians with Digital Equity Capacity Funds
- Digital Equity Capacity in New Mexico
- Every Connecticuter Connected With Capacity Funds
The Benton Institute for Broadband & Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring that all people in the U.S. have access to competitive, High-Performance Broadband regardless of where they live or who they are. We believe communication policy - rooted in the values of access, equity, and diversity - has the power to deliver new opportunities and strengthen communities.
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