Diane Rinaldo

NTIA Celebrates 25 Years of Internet Use Survey Research

In Nov 2019, across all fifty states and the District of Columbia, Census interviewers talked to 52,000 households for this comprehensive survey, which collects data every two years on who goes online, what computing devices and technologies people use, and what challenges prevent some Americans from taking full advantage of the digital age. This latest NTIA Internet Use Survey is the 15th data collection commissioned by NTIA and administered by the Census Bureau. The questionnaire,

Road Map: Building a More Resilient Internet

Botnets and automated, distributed attacks threaten our nation’s Internet infrastructure. Solving this and other cybersecurity challenges is a top priority for the Trump Administration. To address these threats, the Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security have developed a road map that charts a path forward, setting out steps to stop the cyber threat to our internet infrastructure. It outlines a plan for coordination among government, civil society, technologists, academics, and industry sectors to develop a comprehensive strategy for fighting these threats.