EU Again Holds Off On New Network Neutrality Rules

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The European Commission said it still doesn't see a need for additional network neutrality rules at this point but has called on a European Union advisory committee to examine whether mobile operators are taking steps to block access to some Internet applications and content.

In a report to the European Parliament, the commission, the EU's regulatory arm, called on the advisory committee made up of officials who regulate electronic commerce to investigate specific instances of discrimination of Internet content and applications by mobile operators and other broadband providers in Europe. The commission report noted that the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications detailed some concerns in a survey last year of its national regulators. The survey found examples of providers limiting the speed of certain peer-to-peer file-sharing or video streaming services in some countries, including France and Britain. It also found that some mobile operators in Austria, German, Italy and other countries were blocking or charging extra for access to Internet telephone services such as Skype.

EU Again Holds Off On New Network Neutrality Rules Net neutrality: light touch in Europe (Financial Times)