Sen Warren Raises National Security Concerns, Calls on DoD to Hold SpaceX Accountable for Use of Starlink by Russia, Other Sanctioned U.S. Adversaries

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I write [to the Secretary of Defense] regarding my concern about a new report that black market middlemen “have proliferated in recent months to buy [Starlink] user terminals and ship them to Russian forces,” illustrating that, “a shadowy supply chain exists for Starlink hardware that has fed backroom deals in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the United Arab Emirates, putting thousands of the …devices into the hands of some American adversaries and accused war criminals.” According to the report, this ongoing evasion of US sanctions and export controls has “eroded a battlefield advantage once enjoyed by Ukrainian forces.” DoD must act to ensure that DoD contractors are held accountable for any expropriation of their technology by hostile actors so we may adequately support and arm our allies in their fight against Russia’s illegal invasion.  I request answers to [eight] questions by no later than 6/5/2024 including:

  • Does DoD’s contract with Starlink contain any prohibition against providing terminals to Russia or other sanctioned actors? To what extent are DoD’s abilities to enforce these requirements complicated by Starlink’s monopoly on satellite internet access?
  • Does DoD have an understanding of the tools that can be used by SpaceX to block Starlink terminals from being activated or used in occupied Ukrainian territory or in Russia, or by other sanctioned actors? 
  • Does DoD have the capacity to limit Russian forces use of Starlink, independently of any action by the company? 

Warren Raises National Security Concerns, Calls on DoD to Hold SpaceX Accountable for Use of Starlink by Russia, Other Sanctione