Verizon says allegations calling company two-faced are “frivolous… histrionics”

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Verizon is urging the Federal Communications Commission to reject a call for an investigation into statements it has made on utility rules, network neutrality, and its fiber network.

Verizon was accused of "deceiv[ing] the FCC" by telecom analyst Bruce Kushnick of New Networks Institute and audit director Tom Allibone of telecom customer advocacy group Teletruth. Verizon has used its status as a telephone utility to gain favorable government treatment of its fiber network even while telling the FCC that applying similar rules to Internet service would deter private investment. Verizon concluded its response to the FCC by saying, "Verizon’s position is and has been consistent throughout the inception of its fiber deployment and NNI’s frivolous Petition should be denied outright."

Verizon says allegations calling company two-faced are “frivolous… histrionics”