Senators blast Lifeline in Hearing

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The Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee held a hearing Sept 14 titled, "FCC’s Lifeline Program: A Case Study of Government Waste and Mismanagement". Committee members criticized the subsidy program for phone and Internet access that was the subject of a recent watchdog report detailing cases of fraud and abuse. Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) said at a hearing that there “probably” needs to be a complete overhaul of the Lifeline program. “We need to completely rethink how we distribute that subsidy,” Chairman Johnson said.

Sen Claire McCaskill (D-MO) called on the Federal Communications Commission to crack down on the companies that she says are defrauding the program. “Why are we providing these companies with this massive opportunity for fraud?” Sen McCaskill said. Both Sens McCaskill and Johnson suggested diverting funds from Lifeline towards programs focused on expanding rural internet access.

Senators blast Lifeline in Hearing Lifeline Service Gets Hammered in Senate Hearing (Broadcasting&Cable) Chairman Johnson Opening Statement (Chairman Johnson Opening Statemenet) Additional Action Needed to Mitigate Significant Risks in FCC's Lifeline Program (GAO Report) Testimony Of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai (Pai Testimony) Testimony (USAC’s Vickie Robinson)