Net Neutrality and the Economy: How the FCC’s Rules Promote Investment, Create Jobs, and Protect Consumers

New America
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm (eastern)


2:00 pm: Introduction

Sarah Morris
Senior Counsel & Director of Open Internet Policy, New America’s Open Technology Institute

2:05: Opening Remarks

Mignon Clyburn
Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission

Michael Beckerman
President and Chief Executive Officer, Internet Association

Kevin Bankston
Director, New America’s Open Technology Institute

2:30 pm: Presentations and Discussion: Unpacking the economics of net neutrality and broadband investment

Dr. Christopher Hooton
Chief Economist, Internet Association

Matt Wood
Policy Director, Free Press

Libby Watson
Tech Policy Writer, Gizmodo


Noah Theran, @NoahTheran
Vice President of Public Affairs and Communications, Internet Association

3:15 pm: Panel Discussion: Understanding the full range of net neutrality benefits

Michael Cheah
General Counsel, Vimeo

Julie Stitzl
Senior Manager, Federal Advocacy and Policy at Etsy

Anika Navaroli
Senior Campaign Manager, Media and Economic Justice at Color of Change

Rachel Wolbers
Policy Director, Engine Advocacy


Sarah Morris
Senior Counsel & Director of Open Internet Policy, New America’s Open Technology Institute

4:00 pm: Open Mic Session and Q&A

4:45 pm: Reception and close