Broadband Adoption Task Force

Federal Communications Commission
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
10:00AM-11:00AM Eastern

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski will announce a national public-private partnership program designed to increase broadband adoption, elevate digital literacy and assist Americans in searching and training for jobs.

According to the Pew Research Center, one-third of all Americans— 100 million people – have not adopted broadband high-speed Internet at home. The public-private partnership seeks to overcome the top obstacles to broadband adoption, including digital literacy, relevance and cost. The national program is the first major action by Chairman Genachowski’s Broadband Adoption Task force, announced in May to help close the adoption gap.

National electronics retailer
Global consumer and business software corporation Leading non-fiction media corporation Digital literacy training company E-training provider for public workforce development Leading job-search and job-training companies Coalition of digital inclusion experts and non-profits

ONLINE: The event will be webcast on