Individuals who primarily Reside in a Rural Area

Arkansas Uses Capital Projects Fund to Connect Rural Areas

In 2019, Governor Asa Hutchinson (R-AR) laid out a goal of 25 Megabits per second (Mbps) download and 3 Mbps upload broadband deployed to population centers of 500 or more by 2022. Approaching the end of 2022 and the time Arkansas set to achieve its original broadband goals, the state has received new funds through the US Department of Treasury's Capital Projects Fund to help achieve universal connectivity. The April 2022 Arkansas Broadband Master Plan, compiled by the Broadband Develo

Valuing Rural Minority Communities: Inclusive Growth, Broadband, and Leadership

Which rural minority communities are growing? What are the strategies behind these growth-oriented communities? Answers to these questions are central to this report; we illuminate inspiring leadership regimes and strategic policy models that are drawing in people and jobs to rural minority communities. We capitalize on a wealth of publicly available administrative data to outline these economies and deconstruct trends in employment, business creation, broadband adoption, and the labor force.

Communications Workers of America and Microsoft Launch “Get Connected” Initiative to Boost Affordable Connectivity Program Enrollment

The Communications Workers of America (CWA) and Microsoft launched “Get Connected,” an initiative to boost enrollment in the Federal Communication Commission’s Affordable Connectivity Program, at a community Labor Day festival in Atlanta (GA). Additional events are planned throughout September and early October in Detroit (MI), Memphis (TN), New York City (NY), and rural North Carolina. In each city, CWA and Microsoft will work with local public housing authorities and other community partners to publicize the events and pre-qualify residents for the Affordable Connectivity Program.

Capital Projects Fund Helps Build Nebraska's Broadband Bridge

Nebraska adopted a state broadband plan in 2014 setting goals of extending broadband service and adoption to 90 percent of Nebraska households by 2020. Still short of its connectivity goals, the state ramped up efforts toward universal broadband during the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts fueled with federal support. The US Department of Treasury approved Nebraska's latest plans to connect everyone in the state. In May 2021, the state enacted the Nebraska Broadband Bridge Act, a law aimed at bringing fast, reliable broadband connectivity to an estimated 30,000 households.

Department of Commerce Invests $2.7 Million in American Rescue Plan Funds for Expansion of High-Speed Internet in Rural California

The Commerce Department’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) awarded a $2.7 million grant to Golden State Finance Authority, Sacramento, California, for high-speed internet planning. This grant is funded by the American Rescue Plan. This project will support the development of a strategic plan to guide the expansion of high-speed internet across 26 rural counties of California. This EDA grant will be matched with $1.2 million in local funds and is expected to generate $400 million in private investment, according to grantee estimates.

US Department of Commerce Invests $4.5 Million to Increase High-Speed Internet Connectivity in Idaho

The Commerce Department’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) awarded a $4.5 million Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Recovery Assistance grant to the Port of Lewiston, Lewiston, Idaho, to expand internet connectivity for commerce, public health and safety and learning in North Central Idaho. This project will support the construction of a 95-mile segment of fiberoptic cable running from Moscow to Grangeville. This EDA grant will be matched with $1.1 million in local funds and is expected to create 120 jobs, according to grantee estimates. 

Federal Communications Commission Authorizes Additional $800 Million for Rural Digital Opportunity Fund

The Federal Communications Commission authorize $791,604,299 through the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) to six providers to fund new broadband deployments to over 350,000 estimated locations in 19 states. The top three states receiving funding include Illinois, $212 million, Arizona, $140 million, and Iowa, $113 million. This round of funding supports projects using a range of network technologies, including gigabit service hybrid fiber/fixed wireless deployments that will provide end-user locations with either fiber or fixed wireless network service using licensed spectrum.

Capital Projects Fund Helps Link Indiana to the World

Indiana Governor, Eric Holcomb (R-IN) and Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch (R-IN) are leading the largest broadband investment in the state's history. Ball State University researchers found that thousands of homes across the state--urban and rural, low-income, and non-English speaking--experience the brunt of lacking access to broadband internet access. To combat this, Lt. Gov Suzanne Crouch created the Office of Broadband Opportunities in 2018 to identify needs and eliminate roadblocks to broadband deployment and digital literacy in the state.

Rural Areas in Nevada See Broadband as Key to Progress

Pershing County, Nevada is one of many rural communities throughout the US that will receive new, fiber optic, high-speed internet connections through the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) ReConnect Program.

Auction 108 of 2.5 GHz Spectrum Closes, Raising Less Than $428 Million

Auction 108 of spectrum in the 2.5 GHz band closed after raising less than $428 million, a considerably lower amount in comparison with what we have seen in other recent auctions. The spectrum is considered mid-band, which is widely seen as supporting the optimum mixture of speed and coverage for 5G.