Wall Street Journal

Partisan Rift Threatens Federal Data-Privacy Law

In 2018, Congress set the stage to pass a sweeping consumer data-privacy law in 2019, but prospects for legislation are dimming amid sharpening divides among lawmakers over how far the federal government should go in reining in Big Tech. Silicon Valley and its Republican allies are pushing for a national standard that would override state regulations—including California’s landmark 2018 law, which broadens the definition of personal information and gives consumers the right to prevent their data from being sold.

The Internet, Divided Between the US and China, Has Become a Battleground

As China and the West race for 5G dominance, two digital powers with very different approaches to technology are staking out their corners. One side, championed in China, is a digital landscape where mobile payments have replaced cash. Smartphones are the devices that matter, and users can shop, chat, bank and surf the web with one app. The downsides: The government reigns absolute, and it is watching—you may have to communicate with friends in code. And don’t expect to access Google or Facebook. On the other side, in much of the world, the internet is open to all.

President Trump Preparing Plan to Boost AI, 5G Technology

President Donald Trump is preparing an ambitious plan to ramp up the government’s role in speeding next-generation technologies such as 5G wireless and artificial intelligence, two key areas of competition with China. Administration officials say the president is preparing to issue a series of executive orders aimed at boosting the US strength in advanced technology.