Fast Company

How about showing us the data that was used to target us with online ads

[Commentary] Requiring the targeting data label on ads is just a simple way of bringing the shadowy business of data collection and ad targeting into the light of day. If Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg are sure that there is nothing wrong with harvesting users’ personal data to place ads, they should have no problem with being completely open with consumers about the real costs of the “free” service their company provides. Internet advertisers may complain that ad targeting is a complicated business and that the targeting of one ad may rely on many pieces of user data. Well, so be it.

Four ways to survive the end of net neutrality today

Here are some financial, technical, and political measures you can take: 1) Find net neutrality- and privacy-friendly broadband providers, 2) Subscribe to a virtual private network, 3) Use an encrypted DNS service, and 4) Find consumer-friendly states (or make them that way).