Broadband Breakfast
Anchor Institutions Play Key Role in Digital Literacy: Benton Senior Fellow
Anchor institutions should teach digital skills to low-income communities because they play a pivotal role in getting communities connected, said Senior Fellow at the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society John Horrigan. According to Horrigan, skills training within communities is critically important to teaching digital skills and literacy, which will contribute to bridging the digital divide.
States Must Ease Zoning, Permit Regulations for Broadband Buildouts
States must ease regulations surrounding local building permits and zoning that may prevent internet service providers from building broadband infrastructure, according to experts in community and stakeholder engagement at a June 28 Rural Broadband Conference. “If you want to attract private industry or want to bring fiber to your community, you have to take a serious look at red tape,” said Bob Knight, CEO of marketing firm Harrison Edwards Strategic Communications.
Broadband Speeds Have Significant Impact on Economy According to Research
Broadband and higher speeds have made significant contributions to economic growth over the last decade according to Raul Katz, director of business strategy research at Columbia University. Katz conducted his research to determine where the United States economy would be if broadband had not evolved since 2010. He developed four models to explain the economic contribution of broadband, and all found support to suggest that broadband development has contributed to substantial economic growth.
USDA Considering Drawing on Infrastructure Bill Money as ReConnect Demand Increases
Christopher McLean, the acting administrator of the US Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service said that his office has seen so much interest in the third round for its broadband funds that it is considering drawing on other federal infrastructure funds to satisfy demand.
State Broadband Directors Have a Lot to Offer Each Other
Fellow broadband offices are one of the most valuable resources new state broadband directors can leverage, experienced directors say. During the Broadband Communities Summit, Connect Maine Authority Executive Director Peggy Schaffer said that communication between state broadband offices is critical so that states do not make the same mistakes twice. “The knowledge that [broadband offices] share is [a great resource],” she said. She added that this is particularly important for newer broadband directors who may not have much experience working in the sector.
Treasury Department Expects Majority of Capital Projects Funds Will Be Spent on Fiber
The director of the Department of Treasury’s Capital Projects Fund for broadband expansion projects in response to the coronavirus pandemic said that most dispensed funds will ultimately go towards fiber broadband projects. The Capital Projects Fund was established from the reserve of $10 billion dedicated to capital projects enabling work, education and health monitoring when President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was passed in March 2021.
Digital Literacy and Outreach are as Important as Physical Infrastructure, Panel Hears
Broadband advocates argued that outreach and digital literacy are as important as infrastructure and are necessary to close the digital divide. National Digital Inclusion Alliance Executive Director Angela Siefer explained during a Protocol event April 21 that the government’s considerations need to extend beyond the deployment of physical broadband infrastructure and should be equally focused on addressing digital literacy and adoption efforts in underserved and unserved communities.
Infrastructure Bill Money Will Help Push Universal Broadband Goal Within Five Years: Rep. Clyburn
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) predicted that the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will help get internet into every home in America within the next four to five years. The bill itself does not provide a concrete timeline as to when this goal would be achieved, but various government officials, including Rep Clyburn, have made promises to the American people that it could come sooner than some may expect. “In five years, I think this going to be a successful venture,” said Rep Clyburn.
Help Make the Planet Greener by Getting Online
On November 1, President Biden joined world leaders at the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, or COP26, in Glasgow, Scotland. Broadband also is a “green strategy” that can help lessen impacts on the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and is a key linchpin, as is housing, for a triple bottom-line strategy to promote sustainability: prosperous economy, quality environment, and community equity.