Connecticut Judge Stands Pat On AT&T U-verse Service

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AT&T has failed to convince a federal judge in Connecticut to vacate a legal precedent declaring that its U-verse service is a cable service. The telecommunications company petitioned the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut to declare as moot that court's July 26, 2007 ruling striking down a finding by the Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control from 2006. The most recent AT&T motion asked the judge to amend her final judgment, arguing that the whole dispute became moot in October of last year when the Connecticut legislature approved its state franchising bill. The new legislation created video franchise regulation. That regulation did not rely on a legally defining U-verse in order for AT&T to qualify to deliver video in the state. But the court, in a ruling issued July 10, decided that while the state franchising law resolved the issue of franchising, there are “live issues” that will remain until the Federal Communications Commission or a court decides that elements of the Cable Act do or don't apply to AT&T's video service. Therefore, Judge Arterton refused to amend her previous rulings.

Connecticut Judge Stands Pat On AT&T U-verse Service