Disclosure important, but PIOs needed, too

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[SOURCE: Benton Foundation]
The Federal Communications Commission adopted new rules aimed at improving the information local television broadcasters provide to the communities they are licensed to serve. This commendable action is an important step for local communities to evaluate whether broadcasters are adhering to U.S. law and serving the "public interest, convenience and necessity." "Broadcasters already disclose their financial statements to investors and their political contributions to voters," noted Benton Foundation Chairman Charles Benton. "They also should fully disclose their public interest programming to viewers. This reporting is as important as food labeling." But, as has been reported widely, the FCC is also moving quickly to change media ownership rules and allow local newspaper owners to purchase radio and TV stations in the same community. Critics of this move have asked the Commission to delay this decision. In part, they argue that the FCC should first complete a proceeding began in 1995 that would define what programming "in the public interest" means in the age of digital television, which officially begins in February 2009 -- less than 450 days away. Benton responded with a warning that the work on public interest obligations is now, at best, just half done.

Disclosure important, but PIOs needed, too