Wealthy go without Verizon

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[SOURCE: Fort Wayne Journal Gazette 4/16, AUTHOR: Dan Stockman]
A year ago, Verizon officials appeared before Fort Wayne City Council to reassure them the southeast side of the city would not be last to get the phone company’s super-fast fiber-optic network connections. Fears were the southeast side, which has many of the city’s poorer neighborhoods and many minorities, would be forced to the back of the technological bus as Verizon wired wealthier, whiter areas. Indeed, it is not poorer neighborhoods that have been left out of what Verizon calls its “life-changing” Internet service, but some of the city’s wealthiest. “We are being left behind,” says Fort Wayner Bill Haynie, who lives in a neighborhood outside of the fiber-optic network. “The consumer’s sitting there going, I feel like I live in Communist Cuba -- I'm forced to take what they give me.”

Wealthy go without Verizon