FCC Takes Steps to Prevent Fraud in Toll Free Texting

The Federal Communications Commission took steps to establish clear, strong, and consistent safeguards to prevent the fraudulent use of toll free numbers in text messaging. In a Declaratory Ruling and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the FCC:
Clarified that a text messaging provider may not text-enable a toll free number without first obtaining authorization from the subscriber for that number

  • Clarified that a messaging provider may not text-enable a toll free number that is not yet assigned to a subscriber
  • Clarified that messaging providers must disable toll free texting upon request by the subscriber
  • Seeks comment on a proposal to require a toll free subscriber to inform the company that manages the assignment and routing of the toll free number, known as a Responsible Organization or RespOrg, that the subscriber has authorized its toll free number for text messages
  • Seeks comment on a proposal that the RespOrg must reflect the subscriber’s authorization to text-enable its toll free number in the toll free Service Management System (SMS) Database
  • Seeks comment on a proposal requiring that a messaging provider obtain the subscriber’s authorization for text-enabling a number through the RespOrg
  • Seeks comment on what other information, if any, needs to be captured and centrally managed to protect the integrity of the toll free numbering system. 

FCC Takes Steps to Prevent Fraud in Toll Free Texting