Defending Capitalism in Communications

American capitalism, and its role in the communications industry, should be embraced, celebrated, and exported throughout the world. Instead, it is under continuous assault domestically by self-defined progressives and ultra-liberals, who have found sport in using misguided rhetoric and false pretenses to denigrate one of the core tenets of American society. Without proper checks and reassertion of our commitment to free enterprise, the latest anti-capitalism talk risks seeping into Federal Communications Commission proceedings and underlying activities. In fact, signs of it can be seen in multiple Commission proceedings, from municipal broadband advocacy to the harmful network neutrality overreach. The following briefly explores just some of the benefits of capitalism:

1) Connects Willing Buyer and Seller in Marketplace
2) Minimizes Need for Government Interference
3) Protects Consumers Efficiently and Sufficiently
4) Facilitates Profits and Economic Growth
5) Fosters Entrepreneurialism

The Commission should reject views and rhetoric antithetical to American capitalism. Instead, we must fully embrace its benefits as we consider all matters and root out those instances where past activities have diverged.

Defending Capitalism in Communications