Survey: 87% of US Smartphones Connect to Wi-Fi at Home

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Obtaining a good, strong cellular mobile connection inside homes anywhere in the world can be a challenge. Wi-Fi-enabled smartphones may offer a readily available solution, according to the results of a global consumer survey released by mobile industry telecommunications over-the-top solutions provider Kineto Wireless.

Kineto found that 89 percent of respondents who said they had “poor-to-no mobile voice coverage at home” also owned Wi-Fi-enabled smartphones. The Kineto-sponsored survey also found:

  1. 12 percent of all respondents classified mobile voice coverage within their home as poor (e.g. dead spots within their home) to non-existent
  2. 25 percent of all respondents indicated they had switched mobile service providers due to a home coverage issue
  3. In the US, 87% of respondents with poor to no mobile voice coverage at home indicated they were smartphone users that regularly connect their phone to a home Wi-Fi network. That same number was 89% in the UK and 84% across Asia.

Survey: 87% of US Smartphones Connect to Wi-Fi at Home