Utah Broadband Center Opens Two New Grants

The Utah Broadband Center (UBC), powered by the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, announces two new broadband planning grants are available to help local governments, municipalities, nonprofits, and government agencies develop plans to expand high-speed internet access and adoption in Utah communities. These grants—funded by the federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program and the Digital Equity Act—empower local stakeholders to identify areas of the state that need increased investment in infrastructure, skills training, or access to devices to facilitate Utahns’ access to critical digital resources such as telemedicine, remote work, or educational opportunities. The first grant is the Local Broadband Planning Grant, which helps local communities identify gaps in broadband infrastructure and develop a plan to connect unserved households. The second grant is the Local Digital Access Planning Grant, which helps recipients develop a five-year plan to address affordability, digital skills, and access to the necessary equipment to utilize online resources. Both grants are accepting applications through Feb. 2, 2023. Recipients are expected to complete their five-year plans by June 1, 2023, for those plans to be included in the statewide digital connectivity action plan. 

Utah Broadband Center Opens Two New Grants