T-Mobile's Sievert says a lot of its spectrum hasn't been 'put into the fight'

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Despite the furor over T-Mobile’s shares after CEO Mike Sievert’s comments about their fourth quarter earnings, the wireless chief actually had plenty of other issues to talk about, particularly his company’s wireless spectrum and how that might be used in the future. Sievert talked about the use and availability of its midband spectrum, both 2.5 GHz and C-Band, at the event. T-Mobile acquired 2.5 GHz spectrum nationwide through its acquisition of Sprint in 2020 and it won many more 2.5 GHz licenses at auction in August 2022 and finally switched on in March 2024. T-Mobile also acquired C-Band licenses (3.7 to 4.2 GHz) at an auction in 2021, although far less than either AT&T or Verizon. Sievert even noted that the operator has barely started deploying the C-Band spectrum it does have. 

T-Mobile's Sievert says a lot of its spectrum hasn't been 'put into the fight'