Senator Amy Klobuchar: Tech industry poses biggest antitrust problem

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A Q&A Sen Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidentional nomination.

When asked, "Which industries pose the biggest antitrust problems?" Sen Klobuchar said, "First is tech. We haven’t been able to move privacy legislation for years." Asked, "A number of antitrust critics have called for breaking up Facebook. Do you agree?" Sen Klobuchar said, "I would like to see investigations which are going on right now at the Federal Trade Commission of the different aspects of these monopoly companies. That’s what I’m pushing for right now, and then you look at the facts and you make a decision then. But I would love to get more competition in. And it’s going to be very hard to do that before we get major investigations and we start changing the law."

Senator Amy Klobuchar: ‘We have a major monopoly problem’