Rep Waxman Urges the FCC to Move Forward on Open Internet Rules, Use Title II as Backup

House Commerce Committee Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman (D-CA) wrote to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler urging the FCC to move forward with a vote on proposed network neutrality rules.

Rep Waxman supports Chairman Wheeler's proposal to seek comment on adopting no blocking and nondiscrimination rules based on the FCC's authority under Section 706 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, but calls on the FCC to also propose using its authority under Title II of the 1996 Telecommunications Act as a backup to ensure the rules survive a potential court challenge.

In the letter, Rep Waxman writes "The Internet is a great American success story thanks to our longstanding national commitment to communications policies that prevent broadband providers from acting like gatekeepers online. I urge you and your colleagues to move forward with your Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and to incorporate a Title II backup proposal as part of the item."

Rep Waxman Urges the FCC to Move Forward on Open Internet Rules, Use Title II as Backup Waxman Backs May 15 Net Neutrality Vote (B&C)