One-Touch-Make-Ready Could Streamline Deployment But Still Faces Hurdles

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The latest development in ongoing skirmishes over One-Touch-Make-Ready (OTMR) policies is that competitive provider GoNetspeed testified in favor of legislation that would make the approach available in Massachusetts. OTMR rules require the owners of utility poles to allow one contractor to make changes, including moving an incumbent provider’s equipment. Traditionally, each provider handles its own equipment. Proponents of OTMR say that such rules speed service deployment. Streamlining the process tends to enlarge footprints and lower prices due to the increased competition. GoNetspeed Chief Legal Counsel Jaime Hoare spoke in favor of Massachusetts Senate Bill S.2133 and House Bill H.3208. GoNetspeed serves residential and business customers in Maine, Alabama, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont and West Virginia. It partnered with Oak Hill Capital in January 2021 to accelerate its expansion. “By streamlining the permitting process, OTMR will make it faster and easier for GoNetspeed and other broadband providers to deploy high-speed internet service to underserved areas. This will help to ensure that everyone in Massachusetts has access to the digital tools and resources they need to succeed in the 21st century," said Hoare.


One-Touch-Make-Ready Could Streamline Deployment But Still Faces Hurdles