Net neutrality is truly dead—that's bad news for the FCC and consumers

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The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the Federal Communication Commission’s attempt to reinstate net neutrality. The decision puts perhaps the final nail in the coffin for open internet regulation. And that's bad news, not just for consumers, but also the FCC. Circuit Judge Richard Griffin wrote the opinion, which he kicked off by saying the Court agreed with Congress which has said the internet has “flourished, to the benefit of all Americans, with a minimum of government regulation.” But I would ask: is the internet really flourishing? It may have flourished for the first 20 years as it grew up, but have you tried doing a Google search lately? The first page of many Google searches is now total garbage where you don’t get your questions answered. You usually must move on to page 2 in hopes of any real search results with named sources. Now there's nothing stopping broadband providers from adopting the same kind of paid prioritization scheme.

Op-Ed: Net neutrality is truly dead — that's bad news for the FCC and consumers