The Internet Investment ‘Meltdown’ That Isn’t

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[Commentary] Think-tank analyst Hal Singer is a favorite hired gun of Washington’s phone and cable lobby because he delivers exactly what the industry pays him for. But a closer look at his anti-Network Neutrality claims shows a clear failure to analyze data properly.

In the most recent example  --  his analysis of 2015 broadband-industry investment  --  Singer commits multiple sins of omission and selective bias to claim that a “meltdown” in investment occurred in the wake of the Federal Communications Commission’s historic Title II decision last February. He opines that the ruling to protect the open Internet is the “best explanation” for this alleged debacle. The problem is that Singer’s analysis here and elsewhere on these topics doesn’t hold up to further scrutiny. Free Press has done the work Singer failed to do (or purposefully avoided) and found his conclusions are dangerously ignorant of the facts.

[Tim Karr is the senior director of strategy at Free Press]

The Internet Investment ‘Meltdown’ That Isn’t