How Everyone On Navigates Change to Deliver Digital Equity

Everyone On is a national nonprofit organization that has operated digital equity and inclusion programs since 2012. Everyone On’s core work takes a “holistic approach to digital inclusion, connect[ing] under-resourced communities to affordable internet and computers, train[ing] individuals and organizations on digital skills and resources, and advanc[ing] fair and just policies.” Everyone On’s staff and core partners are in the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, and California’s Central Valley, but it also works with organizations in many cities across the United States. Instructors and other staff support adult and youth participants with Everyone On’s Digital Skills Academy curriculum. The organization distributes computing devices to learners and hosts in-person events to enroll people in low-cost internet programs. Everyone On also provides tools to support people across the country, such as:

  • a national locator tool for finding low-cost internet service, digital skills training, and computers; and
  • an enrollment assistance hotline that provides bilingual assistance for enrolling in internet discount and subsidy programs, such as Lifeline.

At the national level, Everyone On is a leader in the field, promoting policies and research focused on closing the digital divide, and forging both regional and national collaborations and partnerships.

How Everyone On Navigates Change to Deliver Digital Equity