House Commerce Ranking Member Pallone wants answers on Facebook sharing data with phone makers

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House Commerce Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone (D-NJ) said that Facebook “should be prepared to come before Congress" and answer questions about its data collection practices. “It’s deeply concerning that Facebook continues to withhold critical details about the information it has and shares with others. Facebook and other data collectors, including these device manufacturers, should be prepared to come before Congress so that we can get a better grasp of the entire data collection ecosystem, and how people’s personal information is being shared and used,” Ranking Member Pallone said. Elena Hernandez, a spokesperson for House Commerce Committee leadership, called the recent story "troubling" and said the committee plans to examine the issue further.  "The Energy and Commerce Committee will continue to examine the issues raised here, and reiterates the call for industry leaders to come and testify before us, discuss their practices, and demonstrate their commitment to an open dialogue," she said. 

House Commerce Ranking Member Pallone wants answers on Facebook sharing data with phone makers