Digital Inclusion Week Begins October 4, 2021

Digital Inclusion Week (DIW) is an annual campaign that recognizes local digital inclusion organizations and special events that promote digital equity across the country. Please join the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) October 4-8, 2021 – this will be its biggest Digital Inclusion Week ever, with seasoned practitioners and newly launched programs hosting virtual and in-person events. DIW aims to raise awareness of solutions addressing home internet access, personal devices, and local technology training and support programs. NDIA provides resources for learning about the digital divide in your community, organizing activities to support digital inclusion efforts, and creating social media awareness. On NDIA's Digital Inclusion Week page, you can register for the Digital Inclusion 101 Webinar, sponsor Digital Inclusion Week, and submit your participation in events or media campaigns.

Digital Inclusion Week 2021: Pathways to Digital Empowerment