The Broadband Gender Divide Takes Center Stage

The 2016 State of Broadband Report published by the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development offers plenty of good news, data, and insights on the deployment of broadband worldwide and developments in the next generation of mobile broadband (5G), fixed broadband and satellite broadband systems. The telecommunication company and technology industry also recognizes that women and girls play a vital part in sustainable global development.

On Sept 18, at the annual Broadband Commission meeting in New York City, International Telecommunication Union and United Nations Women teamed up with partners from Silicon Valley to Mexico to launch EQUALS: The Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age. EQUALS will collaborate with every programme, whether run by a foundation, corporation, ministry, or NGO, attempting to bring digital literacy and savvy to all women and girls in the world. It’s good to know that, with the EQUALS programme, we are working together for the digital future of women and girls. That’s a great place to start.

The Broadband Gender Divide Takes Center Stage