A bright plan for broadband workforce development in the Sunshine State

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As states begin to receive their allocations from the $42 billion federal Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment or BEAD program, Florida is leading the way in preparing the workforce needed for new high-speed internet networks. State officials were quick to convene industry stakeholders as part of their broadband planning process last year, and the state’s BEAD proposal has an unusually detailed section on workforce readiness. Notably, Florida anticipates that a healthy chunk of its $1.1 billion in BEAD funding will be available for so-called “non-deployment” uses that can bolster the state’s broadband deployment projects. The phrase “broadband jobs” often brings to mind roles like fiber splicers or tower technicians. But Florida officials are also thinking about the occupations that will be needed over the longer term. This bigger-picture perspective is unusual among states, and is crucial to ensuring the long-term success of BEAD funding. By thinking holistically from the beginning, Florida is ensuring that its workforce planning takes into account the kinds of roles that will be essential to making sure that broadband is not only installed, but is widely adopted and effectively used.

A bright plan for broadband workforce development in the Sunshine State