AT&T Pushes Ahead on Toll-Free Data Plans in Wake of Net Neutrality

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AT&T continues to move forward with its trial of toll-free, or sponsored, data, despite concerns from the government. Sponsored data plans allow businesses to pick up the bill for consumers who use certain apps or services, and it’s still unclear whether that might run afoul of new network neutrality rules.

As he’s indicated previously, AT&T mobile and enterprise CEO Ralph de la Vega characterized the effort as a billing method and not a speed issue, which could be interpreted as a violation of neutrality. He said his initial belief is that the net neutrality policies passed by the FCC won’t impact the company’s plans. "It never was an issue of net neutrality,” he said. “I’m very pleased it looks like that will not be impacted.” The agency doesn’t exactly bar wireless companies from offering sponsored data plans or exempting some types of applications from data caps in the new rules. But it reserves the right to look at whether such plans violate the rules if it receives complaints.

AT&T Pushes Ahead on Toll-Free Data Plans in Wake of Net Neutrality