Navigating Student Privacy and Ed Tech Amidst COVID-19

Center for Democracy & Technology

Thursday, June 18, 2020 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm

COVID-19 has forced schools to quickly transition to distance learning models of education, and use technology to provide other school services like meal access and mental health services. Although privacy is not a new issue in education, these changes have created new risks to student privacy, often exacerbating existing inequities of access to education. Many of these concerns have been captured by alarming headlines across the country.

How can education practitioners continue to leverage the benefits of education data and technology during COVID-19, while protecting their students’ safety and well-being? In this webinar, CDT’s Elizabeth Laird will be joined by InnovateEDU’s Erin Mote and the Colorado Department of Education’s Marcia Bohannon to discuss the changing context of student privacy protection and the steps state and local practitioners should take to protect the privacy of students and their families.

Questions: CDT will be accepting questions for speakers before and during the discussion. Submit any questions via email at or via Twitter at #cdtquestions and @CenDemTech. For those joining via computer, you will also be able to ask questions during the discussion using the chat.