Press Release

FCC Caps Exorbitant Phone & Video Call Rates for Incarcerated Persons & Their Families

The Federal Communications Commission voted to end exorbitant phone and video call rates that have burdened incarcerated people and their families for decades. Under the new rules, the cost of a 15-minute phone call will drop to $0.90 from as much as $11.35 in large jails and, in small jails, to $1.35 from $12.10. The new rules also, for the first time, address the exorbitant cost of video visitation calls, dropping those prices to less than a quarter of current prices and requiring per-minute rate options based on consumers’ actual usage.

Benton Institute Marks a Major Milestone on Road to Prison Phone Justice

July 18 marks a major milestone on the long road to right a market dysfunction that has wronged incarcerated persons and their loved ones for decades.  The Federal Communications Commission’s vote on Bringing Common Sense and Fairness to Correctional Facility Phone Rates will lower rates for voice phone calls including, perhaps most importantly, local and intrastate calls.  Among the many other long overdue reforms, the agency’s Report and Order will end kickbacks, euphemistically called “site commissions,” to carceral facilities.  No less significantly, the new measures are forward-looking

FCC Approves Rules to Support Wi-Fi Hotspots Through E-Rate Program

he Federal Communications Commission voted to approve final rules to support the students, school staff, and library patrons around the country who find themselves on the wrong side of the digital and educational divide. Now, schools and libraries will be able to utilize E-Rate resources to loan out Wi-Fi hotspots which will provide internet access for those individuals without a reliable connection at home.

FCC Proposes Mobile Phone Unlocking Requirement

The Federal Communications Commission proposed that the agency require mobile service providers to unlock customers’ mobile phones within 60 days of activation. Expanded unlocking requirements would establish a clear and uniform set of requirements for all mobile service providers. New unlocking rules would allow consumers the freedom to take their existing phones and switch from one mobile service provider to another more easily, as long as the consumer’s phone is compatible with the new provider’s wireless network.

FCC Takes Action to Expedite the Transition to Next Generation 911

The Federal Communications Commission adopted rules to expedite the transition to Next Generation 911, help ensure that the nation’s 911 system functions effectively, and support the deployment of advanced 911 capabilities— including video, text, and data—that will help first responders save lives. Each year, people in need of emergency assistance make more than 200 million calls to 911 in the United States.

FCC Adopts 'Readily Accessible' Requirement for Caption Displays

The Federal Communications Commission adopted a Third Report and Order furthering its efforts to enable individuals with disabilities to access video programming through closed captioning. The Order adopts a “readily accessible” requirement for closed captioning display settings. The Commission previously adopted requirements that users must be able to customize caption displays by changing the font, size, color, and other caption features, but many consumers have had difficulty accessing these caption display settings.

Commissioner Carr Announces Departure of Lauren Garry from His Staff

I want to extend my deep thanks and appreciation to Lauren Garry for serving as a Legal Advisor in my office. I am grateful that she agreed to work for me for a year, and I am very pleased that the FCC and the public will continue to benefit from her service at the agency. Over the course of her detail, Lauren has been a tremendous asset to me and my office, and she has tackled some of the agency’s most challenging matters. I will miss having her wise counsel on so many issues that are meaningful to the American public.

Biden-Harris Administration Awards $20.5 Million to Michigan to Implement Digital Inclusion Efforts

The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) awarded more than $20.5 million to Michigan to implement their Digital Equity Plan.

HUD Accepts New Communities to Participate in the ConnectHomeUSA Initiative and Bridge the Digital Divide for HUD-Assisted Families

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announces 97 communities that have been selected to participate in the ConnectHomeUSA (CHUSA) initiative, bringing training and technical assistance to help communities access affordable internet access, affordable devices, and digital skills training.

Fact Sheet: Wi-Fi Hotspots to Connect Students and Library Patrons

On July 18, the Federal Communications Commission will vote on new rules to make the offpremises use of Wi-Fi hotspots and mobile wireless internet services eligible for E-Rate funding. The new rules would take the next step towards modernizing the program to ensure students and library patrons have access to the connectivity needed for a 21st century quality education.