Broadband, Sputnik, and the State of the Union

During the state of the Union address tonight, President Obama recognized the vital importance of broadband infrastructure to our nation's long-term economic competitiveness. The following can be attributed to Benton Foundation Chairman and CEO Charles Benton:

"To sustain our economic recovery, our country must invest in the infrastructure that will be the foundation for free markets; lifelong education; improved healthcare; cleaner, cheaper energy; creative pursuits; a secure homeland; more responsive, effective emergency services; and an engaged democracy. Without doubt, broadband is a key platform for all these national priorities.

"In just two years, it is safe to say, President Barack Obama has done more to improve our broadband infrastructure than President George W. Bush did in two terms. Tonight, the President has renewed our national commitment to meet the great infrastructure challenge of the early 21st century -- filling troubling and persistent gaps in the deployment of broadband networks, encouraging adoption by people and businesses alike, and making the most of this powerful tool to further our national priorities.

"Our moment is now to revitalize the foundation of our economy and to regain our global competitive edge."

Related statements:

Our New Sputnik Moment (Op-ed published in The Hill 10.03.2007)

Sputnik 2: Time for Broadband (published 12.17.2010)