Public Knowledge

Telecom Giants Broke the Law By Selling Detailed Location Data. Will They Face Consequences?

More details have emerged from the Vice investigation into carriers selling their customers’ real-time location data, including assisted GPS (“A-GPS”) data intended only for emergency services. The reports are shocking and illustrate both a brazen disregard for consumer privacy on the part of the companies involved and the disturbing, unregulated behavior of the data brokerage industry.

Advocates Showed During Oral Argument Why Court Must Restore Net Neutrality

On Feb 1, Petitioners (including Public Knowledge) finally got to make their case in court that the Federal Communications Commission’s reckless abdication of responsibility over broadband was illegal. To highlight some of them:


The lack of diversity in tech policy means that regulators and lawmakers make policy decisions that impact marginalized groups from a perspective that is not inclusive of the viewpoints of these communities. I thought it was important to bring these thoughts to the forefront and also identify some solutions for resolving this diversity issue so we can make a transition from #TechPolicySoWhite to #TechPolicyKindaWhite to #TechPolicySoDiverse. Solutions to remedy the lack of diversity in tech policy:

Thoughts on Facebook's WhatsApp + Messenger + Instagram Integration

In general, we think the integration of Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram has the potential to be beneficial for consumers -- if done right. We still need more details from Facebook’s plan to monetize this move in order to fully understand its privacy implications. However, we believe that there’s a lot of positive potential in this move. Making WhatsApp-level end-to-end encryption the standard for Facebook Messenger and Instagram would in one simple move radically improve the privacy and security of the communications of millions of people.

Broadband Providers Are Quietly Taking Advantage of an Internet Without Net Neutrality Protections

Some proponents of the Dec 2017 repeal of network neutrality argue that a year after the decision, the internet is still functioning -- but that doesn’t mean the internet isn’t changing. Consumers may not have noticed broadband providers making network management adjustments, because they are purposefully small and gradual, but they are crucial steps in preventing an open internet. There have been several potential net neutrality violations since the repeal went into effect. If the repeal continues, the way consumers access the internet will gradually change.

Security Shield: A Label to Support Sustainable Cybersecurity

The paper argues that the current first-to-market approach to connected technologies -- including Internet of Things devices -- has undermined public trust in these technologies and the internet, jeopardizing both our economy and democracy. To combat this, the paper proposes the creation of a “Security Shield” label to inform purchasers that a product has followed recognized best cybersecurity practices and should be more secure than similar products without such a label.

Public Knowledge Petitions FCC to Reconsider Allowing Carriers to Restrict Text Messaging

Public Knowledge, joined by the Benton Foundation and 14 consumer, rural, and public interest groups, filed a Petition for Reconsideration opposing the Federal Communications Commission’s recent Declaratory Ruling classifying text messaging as a Title I information service under the Communications Act. The groups believe this action undermines the public’s right to use text messaging without undue interference from wireless companies.