Twitter permanently bans Alex Jones and his 'Infowars' show

Twitter is permanently banning right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his “Infowars” show for abusive behavior. Twitter said Sept 6 that Jones won't be allowed to create new accounts on Twitter or take over any existing ones. The company said Jones posted a video Sept 5 that violated the company's policy against “abusive behavior.” The video in question showed Jones shouting at and berating CNN journalist Oliver Darcy for some 10 minutes between two congressional hearings focused on social media. Twitter Chief Executive Jack Dorsey testified at both hearings, but he did not appear to witness the confrontation. Twitter previously suspended Jones for a week, but had resisted muzzling him further. Other tech companies have limited Jones by suspending him for longer periods, as Facebook did, and by taking down his pages and radio stations. Jones is currently active on Facebook; his suspension there recently expired. 

Twitter permanently bans Alex Jones and his 'Infowars' show Twitter Permanently Bans Alex Jones After New Violations (WSJ) Twitter’s latest (and final) punishment for Alex Jones: A permanent ban (Ars Technica)