Prometheus Challenges FCC Ownership Rule Decision

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Prometheus Radio Project is suing the Federal Communications Commission over its latest attempt at resolving a congressionally-mandated media ownership rule review, including challenging its decision to limit joint sales agreements (JSA's) as arbitrary and capricious.

Prometheus filed its challenge with the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, which remanded the FCC's old media ownership rules back to the commission after Prometheus challenged the FCC's initial efforts to loosen its ownership rules back in 2002. Prometheus is challenging the Wheeler FCC's decision to combine the 2010 and 2014 quadrennial reviews into a single review, which won't be completed until 2016. At the same time the commission voted -- in a split decision -- to limit JSA's.

Prometheus argues that the FCC was arbitrary and capricious in not addressing whether to attribute sharing agreements. And while the FCC did adopt the limit on JSA's, making those of over 15% of a stations weekly ad time attributable under ownership limits, it did not explain why 15% is the appropriate threshold for TV (as it already is for radio), which Prometheus argues is arbitrary and capricious, as was the FCC’s decision to attribute JSA's but not other types of sharing agreements, as was the case in the agency’s decision to not require disclosure of SSAs.

Prometheus Challenges FCC Ownership Rule Decision