It's time to put an old cop back on the internet beat

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[Commentary] While news reports overflow with examples of the Trump Administration pulling back on oversight of business, they’re missing the story in one key area: the administration’s aggressive move to restore Federal Trade Commission power to police the internet. While the Federal Communications Commission is charged with protecting the public interest, it ultimately lacks the staff, resources, and statutory authority needed for a true on-the-ground, national consumer protection effort. The FTC by contrast has the institutional expertise and Congressional mandate from Congress to rein in corporate abuses and protect consumers.  Only the FTC can tackle the rising power of the internet giants and hold the big broadband companies accountable for the promises they make consumers....repealing Title II will give consumers a strong cop back on the internet beat and propel new investment in farther reaching and faster networks for all.

[David Balto served as a policy director for the Federal Trade Commission and is presently an antitrust lawyer in Washington, DC]

It's time to put an old cop back on the internet beat