Everyone is suing everyone over net neutrality. Congress should step in.

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The fight over net neutrality today can be reduced to a single sentence: Everyone is suing everyone else. Congress should step in. The Federal Communications Commission abdicated its responsibility on net neutrality when it repealed the old rules with no adequate replacement. Now, without setting forth its own rules, the federal government is seeking to block states from creating their own. That may be frustrating to Americans who want an Internet where providers do not dictate what information reaches them and how fast. But a nationwide framework governing net neutrality would be preferable to a patchwork of state regulations establishing local regimes for systems that transcend borders. And creating that framework is up to Congress. Net neutrality done right could foster investment by forcing providers to compete by making their networks broader and better. Federal authorities say it is their job, not states’, to take the issue on. Congress should make sure they do.

Everyone is suing everyone over net neutrality. Congress should step in.