Chairman Pai's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Broadband Deployment

On May 9, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai responded to various Members of Congress about the FCC's efforts to accelerate wireline broadband deployment to all Americans, particularly about the transformation of communication networks from traditional telephone service provided over copper wires towards incorporating services provided over next-generation technologies. Chairman Pai wrote, "I  agree with you that we must protect consumers during and after technology transitions - and our rules continue to do just that. Should a carrier seek to stop offering traditional telephone service or reduce that service through a de facto copper retirement, the Commission's rules still require that carrier to provide advance notification to affected customers and to seek Commission permission through the section 214 discontinuance of service process. Our rules still ensure that replacement services are compliant with 911 obligations and accessible to individuals with disabilities. And the record confirms that alarm systems, fax machines, and medical monitoring devices still continue to work over fiber facilities-and that next-generation networks dramatically expand the competitive choices for consumers for these very services (and many others)."

Chairman Pai's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Broadband Deployment