California Analysis Pours Cold Water on Expanded TV and Film Subsidies

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The California legislative analyst’s office offered what it called “preliminary observations” on the push for expanded film and television subsidies in the state -- and it advices to proceed with a great deal of caution.

To date, California has offered $100 million a year in tax credits to support film production; proposed legislation would expand the program considerably. No dollar amounts have yet been assigned, but backers have talked privately of subsidies matching New York’s program, which is capped at about $420 million a year.

In its report, the analyst’s office acknowledged that larger incentives might help protect what it called a “flagship California industry,” one that has been fleeing to other states (and countries) with more generous subsidies. But the report offered a list of reasons to be wary: film and television production is growing more slowly than the rest of the economy, and may decline even with help; competing with other states could become hugely expensive; any benefits from an expanded credit would be concentrated largely around Los Angeles; and, other industries, some with arguably greater social utility, might well demand subsidies of their own.

The state analyst is expected to issue a full report on California’s film subsidies by the end of 2015.

California Analysis Pours Cold Water on Expanded TV and Film Subsidies