The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge

Harvard Law School
Monday, June 11, 2012
6:00 pm

Whether your interest is in preserving Internet freedom and opportunity, changing the economic power structure, new challenges for cyberlaw, or just turning the tables on privacy-violating business models and practices, there will be plenty to hear and discuss at Doc Searls' talk, "" — also the title of his new book from Harvard Business Review Press. The book reports on progress by dozens of companies and development projects fostered by ProjectVRM, which Doc launched at the Berkman Center in 2006.

Doc will share progress toward a near future where individuals can—
* Control the flow and use of personal data
* Build their own loyalty programs
* Dictate their own terms of service
* Tell whole markets what they want, how they want it, where and when they should be able to get it, and how much they are willing to pay

— without yielding their own privacy, and outside of any one system's silo.